Our Services

Services We Provide

We deliver much needed foodbanks, helping beneficiaries to access products that taste like ‘home away from home’- foods that the generic ‘mainstream’ supermarkets may not store. Besides combatting food poverty, we help our community end hygiene poverty [supplying, among other things, period products and other personal hygiene products, cleaning and laundry supplies]. We help curb homelessness by signposting our service users to whatever needed help.

Refugees and often attend our drop-in workshops for free meals and basic necessities, toys, linen and toiletries. We help them with increased access to heath [for instance, signpost to Inclusion Health Service ASSIST]. Poverty is so much more than going without. It robs far too many people of life in its fullness.   We have seen more black people who have struggled with their mental health keep their issues to themselves, believing they don’t know anyone that would understand. According to research from mental health charity Mind one in four people from BAME communities don’t share their mental health issues- we signpost people experiencing mental health problems.

We take ROI very seriously and work with the end-in-mind helping vulnerable people with emotional wellbeing support services, such as befriending. We have a good track record in helping point people in the right direction in education, immigration and training projects that improve employability. GCC is embedded in the community, working within the most deprived areas and addressing the needs of the people living in it. Our activities improve connectedness, opportunities and wellbeing. For example, we recruited experienced volunteers from the Education sector to help with mother and child homework sessions- this trigger meaningful conversation about their children’s life and concerns- invaluable for maintaining positive mental health. Detailed guidelines support our overarching safeguarding policy statement.

Contact Us

  • 73 Hallam Crescent East, Leicester, LE3 1DE
  • 07551312839
  • info@gcfoundation.org.uk

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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